
Christina Pasparakis Wins UC Davis Award for Innovation and Creative Vision

Environmental toxicologist Christina Pasparakis, who is an assistant professor based at Bodega Marine Laboratory, is the winner of the 2024 UC Davis Award for Innovation and Creative Vision. 

The prize is funded by Susie and alum Riley Bechtel and supports outstanding non-tenured early career faculty. It comes with a $40,000 research award that Pasparakis plans to use to launch a long-term community-based microplastic monitoring program in the Bodega Marine Reserve. 

Endocrine Disruption in the Bay-Delta

The effects of endocrine disruptors on the reproductive biology of resident fish in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have been studied at BML. Endocrine disruption in the inland silverside (Menidia spp.) has been the focus for a number or years since populations of native fish are so low and several are listed as endangered, Menidia is an ideal indicator species as they have a limited home range, are found across broad salinity gradients, and are reproductive for about 4-6 months.

Contaminants in Marine/Estuarine Environments

The BML Toxicology Laboratory (G.N. Cherr, Principle Investigator) has focused extensively on Pacific herring in San Francisco Bay in that they are key to the San Francisco Bay ecosystem and represent the last commercial fishery inside of the Bay. The BML Toxicology Group was the first to demonstrate that creosote-treated pier pilings (and the soluble polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; PAHs) present a danger to herring embryos when eggs are spawned directly on the piling surfaces.